After their teenage son is killed in a car crash, Paul (Andrew Sensenig) and Anne (Barbara Crampton) move to the quiet New England countryside to try to start a new life for themselves. But the grieving couple unknowingly becomes the prey of a family of vengeful spirits that reside in their new home, and before long they discover that the seemingly peaceful town they've moved into is hiding a terrifyingly dark secret. Now they must find a way to overcome their sorrow and fight back against both the living and dead as the malicious ghosts threaten to pull their souls - and the soul of their lost son - into hell with them. Written by Dark Sky Film
Inspired by the terrifying story of Robert 'Willy' Pickton, the pig farmer cum prolific lady killer whose horrific crimes shocked the world, PIG KILLER graphically depicts the rape, torture, slaughter and dismemberment of forty-nine young women on a pig farm. With his herculean hog, Balthazar, by his side, Willy and his menagerie of colorful cohorts terrorize Vancouver's seedy downtown until his arrest which uncovered a horrific series of brutal Canadian murders.
A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive, by creating compelling stories about an old witch myth. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a lake in which the ancient Swedish witch is said to live.
在一个名为“完美”的宁静小镇上,米奇(凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon 饰)和死党巴斯特(弗莱德·沃德 Fred Ward 饰)又度过了属于他们的平静一天。对于在这个无趣的小镇里从事着一份又一份没有前途,仅能糊口的工作这一事实,两个血气方刚的年轻人感到十分无奈和困扰。终于,他们决定要走出完美镇,开始他们多姿多彩的新生活,而就在此时,通向镇外的唯一一条公路莫名塌陷了,某些不详的征兆开始显现。 早在数星期之前,镇上发生了家畜神秘失踪的恐怖事件,同时,地质系学生蕾贝卡( 芬妮·卡特 Finn Carter 饰)发现小镇的地壳运动十分异常。现在,众人终于将这些纷乱的线索拼凑到了一起,在大家的脚下,黑不见光的地底,究竟是什么在蠢蠢欲动?
故事发生在繁华的大都市芝加哥,这里发生的连环肢解杀人案令居民们人人自危,变态而又残暴的犯人不仅杀死了被害者,还残忍的取走他们身体的某一部分,这些断肢皆下落不明。约翰(克里斯多弗·兰伯特 Christopher Lambert 饰)是负责此案的探员,顶着来自上司和媒体的巨大压力,他没日没夜的调查着。 随着调查的深入,一些非常重要的线索逐渐浮出了水面。约翰坚信杀手行凶的规律和圣经启示录有关,而杀手取走残肢,是为了拼成基督像,以完成他复活基督的疯狂目标。虽然案件有了眉目,但情况却更糟了,如果约翰的推理成立,那也就意味着,在这座城市中,将有更多的人遇害。