理查德(凯文·詹森斯 Kevin Janssens 饰)、斯坦(文森特·科隆布 Vincent Colombe 饰)和迪米特里(纪尧姆·布谢德 Guillaume Bouchède 饰)每年都要在荒漠中集结,进行打猎活动,今年亦是如此,和往年不同的是,这一次,理查德把自己的情妇珍(玛蒂尔达·鲁茨 Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz 饰)也带来了。 珍是一个风情万种美艳不可方物的女人,她的一举一动都让斯坦和迪米特里感到心里痒痒的。第二天早晨,斯坦终于按捺不住强暴了珍。当珍将这件事情告诉理查德之后,后者非但没有替她主持公道,还将她推下悬崖想要毁灭证据包庇好友。命大的珍并没有死,鬼门关里走了一遭之后,她痛定思痛,决心复仇。
楚其被熔毁之后八年,玩具公司为打开销路考虑再度推出“好家伙”公仔,他们将当年楚其的残骸回收,再度制作使其复活,获得重生的楚其为了完成灵魂转移,将玩具公司总裁杀死后消失于夜色。安迪(Justin Whalin 饰)经历了八年收养生活,此时来到一所军校就读,当年楚其留给他的恐怖回忆仍然挥之不去,而在学校中应付严苛的助理上校谢尔顿(Travis Fine 饰)亦并不轻松。楚其将自己邮寄到军校以寻找安迪,不料却被小学员二等兵泰勒占为已有,楚其认为自己的身体获得新生,可以摆脱必须占有安迪身体的宿命,随即把自己的秘密告知泰勒,并计划夺走泰勒的肉身。安迪不能坐视同侪受害,再度与楚其展开抗争……
After being complicit in a costume joke that ends in a fatal accident and a pact of silence, a group of young people will be threatened by an anonymous writer who wants to reveal his dark secret. Their stalker threatens to post a bloody horror novel based on them on social media. Each chapter one of them will die. While distrusting each other, the group will begin a fight for survival in the middle of the university campus. Any one of them could be the next victim, or the killer.
A female cop is gunned down and wrongly accused of using excessive force in a hostage rescue attempt. Maniac cop returns from the dead once more to seek revenge, destroying everthing and anyone that stands in his way.